The continuity of change

People are always in motion: exploring, discovering, joining up. And whilst we travel, commute, relax and exercise, we engage with our ever-changing surroundings. Because just like us, environments are in constant flux too. We give way to both our movements and our landscapes and cities, whilst enhancing them at the same time. With climate change and urbanization come new challenges. Now, more than ever, we need to manage our rivers and preserve the diversity of our flora and fauna. Our infrastructure and bridge projects contribute to the way people experience their environment and face these challenges, by explicitly engaging with their environment. We incorporate the notion of future transformation into the implementation, generating value now and in the future.

Interaction with nature

This century needs infrastructure that is both robust and flexible. To achieve this, we start the design from the intrinsic value of the specific context. Our design is always a synergy between architecture and construction: elegant and intertwined with the context, and never an added layer. Sometimes a grand gesture is the solution, sometimes a modest intervention that appeals to the imagination proves to be much more effective. Through a strong interaction with nature, our designs radically change the relationship with and the experience of the landscape.

Railway station Vught
Back on track
Railway station Vught
See project

Creating added value

Infrastructure is more than a junction between departure and destination: it adds value by providing great views, sheltering animals, revealing the transformation of the landscape through the seasons and over time, thus inviting people to explore and contemplate. With our Dutch roots in mind, we build bridges that ensure sustainable transport within cities. There’s a reason why The New York Times headlined: “If you build it, the Dutch will pedal.” Bridges play an important role in enhancing people’s sense of place and identity: they connect a city or landscape by creating places for people to meet.

Vlotwatering Bridge
Bat Bridge
Vlotwatering Bridge
See project

NEXT Connects

To take the next step. That’s the aim of NEXT architects. We believe that connecting people and places is vital to meet the environmental and social challenges we face. As humans, we long for connection in everything we do. And NEXT architects accommodates this ambition with each project.

Selected Projects
Service Station Verzetslaan

Service Station Verzetslaan

Wooden equilibrium

Watchtower Einderheide

Watchtower Einderheide

Peeking through trees

The New Connection – N69

The New Connection – N69

The Greenest Road

Lilleakerbyen bridges

Lilleakerbyen bridges

Respecting Nature